The course aims at exploring the Islamic phenomenon in its genesis with a special focus on it historical origin, in order to provide the students with:
a. A methodological introduction to the history of the Muslim World, aiming at a critical approach, aware of the dangers of prejudices and misrepresentations. Hence, students will be introduced to the question of Orientalism, and its persistence until today, then the question of periodization of History from an Islamic viewpoint, looking in a diachronic way, at eras of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Reagion where Islam was born and developed in the first instance. b. Basic elements of Islamic studies: creed, texts, pillars, umma, jihad, Law (shari'ah). Moreover students will study the notions of: authority, Shi'a and Sunna, Caliphate and Imamate; Dhimma; Everyday Islam. c. Outline of politico-institutional History of Islam from the Unity of the Caliphate until the frammentation and the Ottoman Empire, highlighting the plurality of experiences of the Islamic States. d. An Introduction to the basic themes of Modern and Contemprray Histor of Muslim Majority Countries, witha spacial focus on Middle East and North Africa.
(reference books)
For those attending the course:
- Appunti delle lezioni - Lorenzo Declich, Islam in 20 parole, Bari-Roma: Laterza 2016. - Pier Giovanni Donini, Il mondo islamico. Breve storia dal Cinquecento a oggi, Bari-Roma: Economica Laterza, 2015 (o altre edizioni). - Dispense disponibili sul sito web in pdf, comprendenti: - Anna Bozzo, L’Islàm questo sconosciuto. - EW Said, Orientalismo, “Introduzione”. - G. Endress, Introduzione alla storia del mondo musulmano, Capp. 1-3-6.
Those not attending will choose one of the following list :
- Carole Hillenbrand, Islam. Una nuova introduzione storica, Torino: Einaudi, 2016. - G. Filoramo (a cura di), Islam, Roma-Bari: Laterza, ultima edizione.
Sarà utile strumento complementare la lettura di: Il Corano, traduzione e cura di A. Bausani, Milano, BUR, varie edizioni (si legga, in particolare, l’introduzione).