The first part of the course is an introduction to cultural anthropology, starting from the different subjects of anthropological knowledge in a historical view. The basic features of anthropological reasoning, the notions of relativism, culture, ethnic identity, and ethnographic method will be introduced. The second part focuses on kinship and the diverse forms of family making, highlighting the multiple of practices and meanings involved through European and extra-European ethnographic studies. Issues addressed: the given dimension, the cultural costruction and the social practices of kinship and gender, the concepts related to reproduction and relatedness, genealogy, filiation and alliance, relevant changes in contemporary family making.
(reference books)
Fabietti, Malighetti, Matera, Dal tribale al globale. Introduzione all'antropologia, Bruno Mondadori, 2012
One of the following books:
Grilli, Simonetta, Antropologia delle famiglie contemporanee, Carocci, 2019 Palumbo, Berardino, Identità nel tempo. Saggi di antropologia della parentela, Argo, 1997 Remotti, Francesco, Contro Natura, Laterza, 2008 Solinas, Pier Giorgio La famiglia. Un’antropologia delle relazioni primarie, Carocci, 2010
Non-attending students should add: Pompeo, Francesco, Elementi di Antropologia Critica, Meti Edizioni, 2018