Derived from
Through the knowledge of the main notions of phonetics, morphology and syntax, the course aims to provide students with a more complete domain of the Latin language, also for a better understanding of the Italian language and word formation mechanisms. Reading and analyzing a prose and a poem text intends to provide the tools to grasp the specificities of these languages and go back to their linguistic, cultural and anthropological models.
To this end it includes:
(1) A cycle of lessons aimed at offering an overview of the main aspects of phonetics, morphology and syntax of the Latin language, with notions of prosody and metrics; (2) Framework, reading, translation and commentary on the following two works of Latin literature: - (a) Cicero, Laelius seu de amicitia. - (b) Ovid, Medicamina faciei femineae.
(reference books)
For point 1 of the Course:
- R. Oniga, Il latino: breve introduzione linguistica, 2a edizione, Milano, ed. Franco Angeli, 2007. - S. Timpanaro, Nozioni elementari di prosodia e metrica latina, Firenze, 1953 [a copy will be provided from the reprint at the bottom of the anthology for the biennium “Primordia et incrementa Latinitatis” edited by Antonio La Penna (Torino, 1966, pp. 353-376)]. - Further teaching materials (notes on Latin language and textbooks on metric reading) will be distributed in class and / or uploaded to the teacher's page available on the website of the Department of Humanities.
For point 2 of the Course:
- (a) Cicerone, L’amicizia; saggio introduttivo di I. Vilardi; nuova traduzione e note di F. Biddau, Milano, Rusconi, 2017 (alternatively, any of the various reprints of the text in the BUR or Garzanti edition); - (b) P. Ovidio Nasone, I cosmetici delle donne, a cura di G. Rosati, Venezia, Marsilio, 1995.
Non-attending students will integrate the program with the individual study of the following text: - A. Traina - G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario (preferably, 6th ed. revised and updated by C. Marangoni, Bologna, Pàtron, 2007).