Outlines of the Church history in early modern age (XIV-XVIII century) The course will provide a basic knowledge of the principal events and problems on the Church in the early modern history, also in connection with another religious confessions. A first part will illustrate the situation of the Church in the late Middle Ages, in particular in relation to the Avignon period and the Western schism; a second part will analyse the Protestant reform and the Catholic reform. A third part will treat the relations between the Church and States in the period of absolutism and enlightened despotism until the eve of the French Revolution.
(reference books)
1) Dossier of documents provided from the teacher (download from personal website). 2) G. MARTINA, Storia della Chiesa da Lutero ai nostri giorni. 1. L'età della Riforma, Brescia, Morcelliana, 1993, pp. 15-28; 55-275. 3) G. MARTINA, Storia della Chiesa da Lutero ai nostri giorni. 2. L'età dell'assolutismo, Brescia, Morcelliana, 1994, pp. 13-208; 259-371.