COURSE Greek Literature: the Modernity of Ancient Culture
PROFESSOR Adele Teresa Cozzoli
UNIT TITLE (number of hours; number of ECTS) Euripides’ female characters: Medea, Alcestis, Phaedra
EXAMINATION TYPE (oral) The type of examination is oral and evaluates: 1) the mastery of the subject 2) the ability in reading ancient Greek texts with translation 3) the critical capacities and the skills in identifying and formulating problems
PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE It is important that students attend as many classes as possible. Preliminary knowledge of Ancient Greek language is required.
SEMESTER Second Semester
COURSE DESCRIPTION The course aims at reading and analyzing Euripides’ Alcestis, Medea and Hippolytus (but also other texts), considering their historical and cultural context, and, therefore, the poet’s reinterpretation of myth. It will also be examined how Euripides’ female characters (from Alcestis to Phaedra) exerted great influence on ancient and modern literary tradition. The aim of this course is to provide a deep understanding of these tragedies, including their dramaturgical value and their linguistic and literary meaning.
BIBLIOGRAPHY It is highly recommended to read Euripides’ Medea, Hippolytus, Alcestis in a modern language in a bilingual edition D. Susanetti, Euripide. Fra Tragedia, mito, filosofia, Roma 2007, Carocci
E-MAIL adeleteresa.cozzoli@uniroma3.it
(reference books)
BIBLIOGRAPHY It is highly recommended to read Euripides’ Medea, Hippolytus, Alcestis in a modern language in a bilingual edition D. Susanetti, Euripide. Fra Tragedia, mito, filosofia, Roma 2007, Carocci