Classical tradition and textual criticism: Latin poets and Greek models. The course concerns a philological reading of Classics (Greek lyric poets, Latin poets of Caesarian and Augustan Age), as practical application of abilities acquired in Classical Philology I.
(reference books)
- Iambi et elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum cantati, edidit M.L. West, I. Archilochus, Hipponax, Theognidea, Editio altera aucta et emendata, Oxonii 1989 (selection); - Poetarum Lesbiorum fragmenta, ediderunt E. Lobel et D. Page, Oxford 1955 (selection); - Poetae melici Graeci, edidit D.L. Page, Oxford 1962 (selection); - Catullo. Le poesie, a cura di F. Della Corte, Milano 2010 (selection); - Horatius. Opera, edidit S. Borzsák, Leipzig 1984 (selection). All texts read, translated and commented during the lessons will also be provided in photocopies and made available on the teacher's internet page.