This module will provide an interpretation of the crisis of the Roman Republic. Students will read some of the major ancient sources related to this period. They will be introduced to the figure of Mario and to the way in which he came into conflict with Lucio Cornelio Silla, another lord of the Roman war, who after victories in the East eventually marched on Rome in 82 and assumed the position of dictator. A central theme of the course will cover this ancient Roman post designated to provide a leading politician with full powers for a limited period of time. Silla detained her for two years during which he had a large number of his opponents put to death.
(reference books)
Plutarco- Vita di Silla (qualsiasi edizione)
P. Brunt- La caduta della repubblica romana, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2004
G. Geraci- A. Marcone- Storia romana. Editio maior, Mondadori Education, Milano 2017