Writing in the perspective of text analysis. The exam will focus on the texts in the program and on the topics presented during the lessons. The exam consists of an interview on the topics of the program in order to verify: 1) the depth and breadth of the knowledge acquired; 2) the property of language; 3) the ability to critically link issues and problems addressed.
Students of Literature must have already taken the exam of "Institutions of Italian Linguistics" and obtained the relevant 12 CFU. The course will examine the factors of communication and will analyze different types of written texts considering the linguistic and textual aspects characterizing. Each text will allow us to analyze one or more linguistic phenomena. Literary, journalistic and scientific texts will be analyzed.
(reference books)
- M. Dardano - C. Giovanardi, The strategies of written Italian, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2001 (excluding chapter 8);
- F. Rossi - F. Ruggiano, Written Italian: uses, rules and doubts, Rome, Carocci, 2019 (only the first two chapters, pp. 15-79).