Derived from
20710224 Lingua e traduzione lingua portoghese e brasiliana II in Languages and Literatures for Intercultural Communication L-11 PIPPA SALVADOR
The course will address issues related to linguistic and cultural variation in Portuguese-speaking countries, whose historical, geographical, economic and cultural references will be illustrated. From time to time, texts of various genres and tipology will be analysed, which will then be translated and revised during exercises (B1 level).
(reference books)
José Hermano Saraiva (2004), Storia del Portogallo. Bruno Mondadori, Milano, pp. 1-171. Giulia Lanciani (a cura di) (2008), Da Roma all'Oceano. La lingua portoghese nel mondo, La Nuova Frontiera, Roma. Sonia Netto Salomão (2012), A língua portuguesa nos seus percursos multiculturais. Nuova Cultura, Roma. Raffaella Bertazzoli (2018), la traduzione: teorie e metodi, Carocci, Roma.
Other translation materials will be made available during the course.