The course will deal with the following topics : Fundamentals of educational linguistics: second language acquisition and learning; plurilingualism and multilingualism; learning approaches, methods and techniques; Pluralistic approaches and intercomprehension; Assessment of language learning; The Common Frame of Reference and the Companion Volume: assumptions, objectives, tools, actors and levels. Receptive language skills: listening and reading
(reference books)
Volume: Cristina Bosisio e Marini Chini (a cura di) (2014), Fondamenti di glottodidattica. Apprendere e insegnare le lingue oggi, Roma, Carocci.
Articles on intercomprehension: 1) Bonvino e Jamet, 2016, Storia, strategia e sfide di una disciplina in espansione in Bonvino e Jamet, in Intercomprensione: lingue, percorsi, progetti. SAIL: Ca’ Foscari. (fino a pag. 22) https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/media/pdf/book/978-88-6969-135-5/978-88-6969-135-5.pdf
2) Article - Bonvino e Cortés Velásquez, 2016, Il lettore plurilingue. LEND: 4. http://moodle.llcs.uniroma3.it/pluginfile.php/24115/mod_resource/content/1/01BonvinoCortesLEND%20Il%20lettore%20plurilingue.pdf
3) Pre-print on Pluralistic Approaches (facoltativo).http://moodle.llcs.uniroma3.it/course/view.php?id=232#section-4
Assessment 4) Bonvino Valutazione e misurazione dell'apprendimento linguistico (link: http://moodle.llcs.uniroma3.it/pluginfile.php/23856/mod_resource/content/1/Valutazione.pdf)
Common European Framework 4) Consiglio d'Europa, 2002, Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue: apprendimento, insegnamento, valutazione, La Nuova Italia - Le Monnier, capitoli 1-4. (I link alle versioni in lingua sono disponibili su moodle). Or the first 4 chapters on-line in one of those languages http://moodle.llcs.uniroma3.it/course/view.php?id=232#section-5 6) Companion Volume https://rm.coe.int/cefr-companion-volume-with-new-descriptors-2018/1680787989
Listening: 7) On Listening http://moodle.llcs.uniroma3.it/course/view.php?id=232#section-7
Reading: 8) On Reading (optional) http://moodle.llcs.uniroma3.it/course/view.php?id=232#section-8