Program SPE LM 2019-2020 (2° Sem-March 2020) History and historiography of the modern age (Giorgio Rossi) " THE BESIEGED CITY ". FEAR THROUGHOUT CENTURIES The course ("The besieged city. Fear throughout centuries ") is organized around the subject of fear, theme of great interest and relevance for the student engaged in the study of socio-historical-pedagogical aspects in daily life. Jean Delumeau, started a systematic historical study of the argument of fear with the work “Fear in the West (14TH-18th centuries). The besieged city”. Delumeau says that, once again, the L. Febvre’s assertion, according to that the “Story is daughter of its time” is true. Which means that we study the past with the concerns of the present. Today continuously we speak of fear, and maybe too much. According to Delumeau it was not possible to study this investigation without the help of social sciences such as psychology, sociology, psychiatry, Ethnology, history of medicine. The main interpretative key was the distinction between fear and anguish, taken up to the present day by Bauman. Delumeau dedicated large space to the “ Witch-Hunt in Modern Europe”, for its strong influence on European life in the modern age. The link between the medieval, modern and contemporary age is the well known work of the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, “Liquid fear”, reflecting the suggestions of the past to study the elusive and multiform fear of man today.
1. LA PAURA, IL PECCATO E LA COLPA. Recensione di: Jean Delumeau, La Paura in Occidente (secoli XIV-XVIII). La città assediata. A cura di Armando Comi (cfr. https://governarelapaura.unibo.it/article/download/2513/1884diA.Comi-2008) 2. B. P. Levack, La caccia alle streghe in Europa, Laterza (Collane “Economica”/”I Robinson”), Roma-Bari 2012 3. Z. Bauman, Paura liquida, Laterza, Bari 2008; NOTA BENE: Il docente indicherà in maniera dettagliata il materiale oggetto di esame
(reference books)
1. LA PAURA, IL PECCATO E LA COLPA. Recensione di: Jean Delumeau, La Paura in Occidente (secoli XIV-XVIII). La città assediata. A cura di Armando Comi (cfr. https://governarelapaura.unibo.it/article/download/2513/1884diA.Comi-2008) 2. B. P. Levack, La caccia alle streghe in Europa, Laterza (Collane “Economica”/”I Robinson”), Roma-Bari 2012 3. Z. Bauman, Paura liquida, Laterza, Bari 2008; NOTA BENE: Il docente indicherà in maniera dettagliata il materiale oggetto di esame