The course will be structured into three parts:
1) Analysis of the key moments of the European Union founding process: the transatlantic relations versus the formation of the Franco-German axis; the European Coal and Steel Community and the proposed European Defense Community; the establishment of new supranational institutions. The course will examine European Community's path first from the point of view of political history (especially with regard to the transnational cooperation between political parties and trade unions). Secondly, the course will take into account the history of ideas that is the analysis of the federalist thought within the twentieth century political cultures and about the importance of the religious factor on the dynamics of redefining the rules and institutions of European governance.
2) Analysis of the EU legal order, the evolution of the structure and functions of the main European institutions (Commission, European Parliament, Council, ECB and Luxembourg Court), integration theories and techniques (federalism, functionalism, neo-functionalism) and multi-level governance models. This analysis is designed to offer a reasoned and practical analysis of community construction, its crisis and development possibilities.
3) Evaluation of the limits and of the critical aspects of the mechanisms of European governance, with particular reference to the managing migration flows. The course will examine the following issues:
The Dublin Regulation, that is the EU law that determines which EU Member State is responsible for the examination of an application for asylum; The policies related to the institutional developments of the Lisbon Treaty, which introduces a new legal basis for the promotion of integration measures; The GAMM (Global approach to migration and mobility, adopted by the Commission in 2011); The Strategic Guidelines of June 2014 (Stockholm Program); The European Agenda on Migration.
(reference books)
For attending students
Piero S. Graglia, L'Unione europea. Perché stare ancora insieme, Il Mulino 2019
For non-attending students
Piero S. Graglia, L'Unione europea. Perché stare ancora insieme, Il Mulino 2019 [ultima edizione]
Enrica Rigo, Europa di confine: trasformazioni della cittadinanza nell'Unione allargata, Meltemi Editore srl 2007
Leonardo Rapone, Storia dell'integrazione europea, Carocci, ristampa 3^, 2018