Why bioethics 1. 1 Biomedical techniques, ethics and responsibility 1. 2 The anthropological question as the foundation of bioethics
2. Bioethics of the body and health 2.1 Personal character of the corporeity 2.2 Culture of appearance and body models 2. 3 The objectification of the body as a risk of the technique applied to medicine 3. To be born and die in the age of technology 3.1 The new faces of dying: euthanasia and biological testament 3.2 New forms of motherhood: implications and problems
(reference books)
A. PESSINA, Bioetica. L’uomo sperimentale, Mondadori, Milano 2000 (tranne capitolo 2) • M. T. RUSSO, Etica del corpo tra medicina ed estetica, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2008 • M. T. RUSSO, Corpo, salute, cura. Linee di antropologia biomedica, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2004 • Glossary with the main definitions to know and some articles online