Neuro-motor experience and experimentation is at the base of every process of growth and somatic, emotional, affective, relational and social growth. From the infinitely large of the external world, even before birth, the child uses the body to relate to himself and to the world around him, making all possible sensory experiences his own through emotions, engraving them in the infinitely small of his own neuronal synapses and then transforming them into neuro-motor learning.
Growing through sensory experiences and therefore their perceptive functions, the new individual is able to experience the surrounding environment, to define the boundaries, the possibilities and the limits of action of his body, dialoguing at the somato-psychic level with his own genome and allowing the epigenetic modulation of this as a phenotypic response to the motor and emotional stresses in which it grows.
With play (relationship with objects and the environment and people) and movement reaches and perfects not only important skills such as balance, concentration, attention, physical abilities, but also awareness or identity corporeal (somato-estesico and somato-sensory) and therefore emotional-relational acquiring awareness of one's own entity with and communicating with others.
A fundamental assumption of psychomotor education is the global consideration in childhood and adolescence, in a holistic dimension, of its Mind-body unity and understanding of the purpose of psychomotor action even in the case in which there are differences and physiological defects.
The program focuses on knowledge of the aspects and elements of anatomy and physio-pathology and movement disorders from infancy, adolescence and young adults according to the Biological Aesthetic Structural Model (MSEB, Villanova M., 2006).
The following topics are therefore subjects of cross-cutting interest.
Direct observation of the child. Embryo-fetal development and risk factors. Ontogenesis, Phylogenesis, Embryogenesis and Comparative Ethology of Motor Development. Psychomotor delay. Cognitive development. Emotional development. Affective and sexual development. Acquisition of the body schema. Body awareness. Genesis of the imitation of gestures. Mirror neurons and Emulation. Memory. The body-emotion axis. The sense-motor game. The symbolic game. Cognitive development according to J. Piaget. Dyspraxia. Perception of space and time. Spatial abilities. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Hemispheric dominance. Alterations from lateralization. Concept of number and quantity. Dysgraphia. Executive functions. Neuro-psychomotor intervention in infantile cerebral palsy. Modified States of Consciousness.
(reference books)
Libri di Testo
• Villanova M.: “Orientamenti clinico-forensi-criminologici ed educativo-pedagogici di Neuropsichiatria dell’età evolutiva per le Professioni dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza” Ed. La Sapienza , 2010 (Opera monografica). • Camerucci M., Formazione e coerenze educative, Morlacchi, Perugia, 2016