Serges Giuliano
1. Forms of State and Forms of Government (basic notions); 2. The sources of law in Italy (basic notions); 3. The constitutional organization in Italy (Parliament, Government, President of the Republic); 4. The public administration: organization, acts and measures; 5. The new system of local authorities ( « Legge Delrio »); 6. Rights and freedoms in the Italian constitutional system; 7. The right to health in the Italian Constitution; 8. The welfare state in Italy: social rights and welfare system; 9. Italian healthcare system; 10. The regional welfare systems; 11. Protection of rights / 1: jurisdiction’s principles; 12. Protection of rights / 2: the constitutional justice.
(reference books)
1) R. BIN – G. PITRUZZELLA – D. DONATI, Lineamenti di diritto pubblico per i servizi sociali, Giappichelli ,Torino, 2014;
2) F. MODUGNO (a cura di), Diritto pubblico, Giappichelli, Torino, 2019 (obbligatorio per non frequentanti).