Basic module program The course provides the tools for a pedagogical reading of the working dimension seen in its socio-economic and formative evolution. Particular emphasis will be given to training issues (employability, placement, apprenticeship, work-based learning, industry4.0) and the theme of the relationship between learning and knowledge, with insights into the construction of the Community of Practice in the professional environments and new job dimensions. The course consists of three areas of 10 hours each for a total of 30 hours and involves alternating the frontal lessons with moments of educational design and case studies.
Area 1 Social and work pedagogy: epistemic areas and analysis methodologies The work in its social and organizational evolution with particular regard to the pedagogical dimension also in a historical key The theme of skills as a tool for describing work from a training perspective: definition and description, tools for mapping, assesment and validation The issue of soft skills in organizations Lab: Bricks x Tips:Lego and soft skills Area 2 The fundamentals of M.C. Nussbaum's Capability Approach: capabilities and educational welfare Training Design Laboratory: "The capability approach in adult education" Area 3 The patterns representative of work pedagogy The paradigm of "cultivating" communities of practice in some lifelong learning experiences
(reference books)
Alessandrini G. (2017), Atlante di Pedagogia del Lavoro (prima e seconda parte) Caggiano V. (2019), Hard work on Soft Skills
Un testo a scelta tra: Nussbaum, M. (2012), Creare Capacità Bellezza A. (2018), Pedagogia dell’innovazione