The course aims to encourage critical reflection aimed towards the professional practice of the teacher and, at the same time, to promote knowledge and methodological skills to address special educational needs (SEN). Accordingly, aspects of the relationship between disability, socio-emotional and communicative skills will be explored, with particular attention to creative expressive methodological approaches (creative therapies) and narrative tools (autobiography and diaries) that are capable of supporting individual and group imaginative activities for inclusion through reflection and sharing. During the course students will prepare their own works, which will be evaluated by the lecturer. A part of the programme will be dedicated to early childhood and to applications in educational contexts for children.
(reference books)
De Angelis B., L’azione didattica come prevenzione dell’esclusione. Un cantiere aperto sui metodi e sulle pratiche per la scuola di tutti, F. Angeli, Milano, 2017. De Angelis B., L’ascolto atto cosciente e virtù civile. Riflessioni educative, Anicia, Roma, 2013. Bruner J., La fabbrica delle storie, Laterza, Bari, 2002. Demetrio D., Green autobiography. La natura è un racconto interiore, BookSalad, Anghiari, 2015.
Students attending the course have the possibility to replace the fourth text with a project (Project Work) to be carried out during the course.