Introduction: The Balkans and the European Turkey; Geography, people, economy and society; The Great Powers, the Balkans e the national awakening; The end of the Ottoman power and the nation building and state building; The new century, its development and the consequences on the South-east Europe: The Balkan Wars: the end of the Risorgimento phase and the start of a new political vision: nationalism and imperialism; The World War One and its consequences; Peace, war and the Balkans in the New Europe; New Borders, new states and new people also? The interwar years the first massive modernization in the Balkans; A new ruler: the Third Reich; crisis and war; The establishment of a communist rule in the Balkan countries: the birth of a new world? Between Stalin ad Tito; The Seventieth and the eighties: stabilization and stagnation; the fall of the communist regimes and the hard transition.
(reference books)
1) Alberto Basciani, L'illusione della modernità. Il Sud-est dell'Europa tra le due guerre mondiali, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2016 2) R. Petri (a cura di), Balcani, Europa. Violenza, Politica, Memoria, Torino, Giappiachelli, 2017 3) Andrew B. Wachtel, Storia dei Balcani, Lecce, Salento Books, 2016.
for non-attending students:
1) Ben Fowekes, L'Europa orientale dal 1945 al 1970, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004 2) Bulent Gokay, L'Europa orientale dal 1970 a oggi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005 .