1. Foundamentals a. Introduction to industrial organization (cap.1) b. Basics of microeconomics (cap.2) c. Market structure and market power (cap.3) d. Technology and production costs (cap.4)
2. Monopoly power a. Price discrimination (capp. 5 e 6) b. Variety and product quality in monopolistic markets (cap. 7)
3. Oligopoly and strategic interaction a. Cournot competition (cap. 8) b. Price competition (cap. 9)
4. Anticompetitive strategies a. Predatory behaviour (cap.12) b. Collusion and repeated games (cap. 13)
5. Contractual relationships among firms a. Mergers (cap. 15) b. Vertical restrictions (cap. 16)
6. Non-price competition a. Advertising, market power, competition and information (cap. 17) b. Research and development and patents (cap. 18)
(reference books)
Textbook: Lynne Pepall, Daniel J. Richards, George Norman e Giacomo Calzolari "Organizzazione Industriale" terza edizione, Mc Graw Hill Education