First part: refresh of the basic concepts of marketing management: analytical, strategic and operational phases Second part: introduction to the theme of product innovation: technological scenarios, concept design and evaluation, new product launches, innovative entrepreneurship Third part: the theme of sustainability and the relationship between the environment and companies. Responsible and sustainable marketing. Business cases and the most controversial situations.
(reference books)
Both attending and non-attending students will have to view the recorded video lessons uploaded to Moodle and study these materials (with asterisk those uploaded to Moodle):
Pratesi Module: 1. Pratesi C.A. (2020), Marketing (edizione 6), Mc Graw Hill. a. Cap 1 introduzione al marketing b. Cap 8 decisioni relative al prodotto c. Cap 14 piano di marketing d. Cap 15 marketing e sostenibilità e. Cap 16 marketing digitale 2. Pretotyping Alberto Savoia* 3. WWF Italia: Pandemie, l’effetto boomerang della distruzione degli ecosistemi* 4. Lessico greenwashing* 5. Caso Pan di Stelle Barilla* 6. Caso Buongrano Barilla*
Insights on the channel: EIIS European Institute for Innovation and Sustainability - serie Future Talks (YouTube):
#1 Luca di Leo (Barilla), #9 Isabella Pratesi (WWF); #11 Fabio Moioli (Microsoft); #16 Alberto Savoia (Stanford University); #18 Paolo Benanti (Università Gregoriana); #21 Enzo Maria Le Fevre (Commissione Europea – Agid). Principato Module: 1. Kemper & Ballantine, 2019* 2. Li et al., 2019* 3. I Dieci Principi del Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite per guidare i business leader nel rispondere alla crisi https://www.globalcompactnetwork.org/it/news-e-eventi/notizie/1899-raccomandazioni-dal-global-compact-network-italia-su-come-approcciare-la-crisi.html * 4. Paper Asvis https://asvis.it/public/asvis/files/Goal_12_ASviS_-_Position_Paper_edizione_2019_-_agg.4-6-19.pdf * 5. Principato L. (2015), “Le etichette ambientali: comprensioni, motivazioni e risposta del consumatore”, in Lugli G. Cibo salute e business. * 6. Principato, 2018, Food Waste at Consumer Level, ch.2* 7. Rust, 2019, The future of marketing *
Further readings (for materials loaded on moodle, reading is strongly recommended): • Report Conai* • BCFN, 2018, Fixing the Business of Food * • Does Food Marketing Needs to make us fat? * • Subjective social inclusion, 2018*