The course aims to provide an analytical and critical framework of the legal and financial profiles of the protection of savings, with reference to the governance of companies and financial markets, in Italy and at European and international level.
21210148 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Module: |
21210148-1 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
1. Protection of savings in the economic constitution 2. Savings, credit and banking system 3. Saving and direct and indirect equity investment in the large production facilities of the country 4. Protection of savings in the EU 5. Provisions on the protection of savings and the regulation of financial markets: Law 262/2005 and subsequent interventions 6. The functions and role of public supervisory authorities on savings 7. The offer to the public of securities 8. The regulatory framework on takeover bids 9. The legislation relating to securitisations 10. Protection of savings in German law and in US law.
a) Initial public offering (IPO): techniques, costs and benefits b) Delisting: techniques, causes and effects on firms and shareholders c) Separation between ownership and control and shareholder protection d) Conflicts of interests in the financial system
(reference books)
M. Atripaldi, La tutela del risparmio popolare nell’ordinamento italiano, Editoriali scientifica, 2014: introduction, chapter II, IV, conclusions; F. Annunziata, La disciplina del mercato mobiliare, Giappichelli, 2017, chapters III, XV, XVI Other papers may be distributed during class
1) Enriques, L., 2012. Le regole della finanza. Diritto societario e mercato in Italia e in Europa. IBL Libri. Capitoli 1, 3, 4, 8 2) Berk, J., DeMarzo, P., Morresi, O., Venanzi, D., 2018. Finanza Aziendale 2, Capitolo 11. 3) Fidanza, B., Morresi, O., Pezzi, A., 2018. The decision to delist from the stock market. Palgrave. Capitolo 1. 4) Walter, I., 2004. Conflicts of interest and market discipline among financial service firms, European Management Journal 22(4), 361-376
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
Module: |
21210148-2 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Module I
1. Protection of savings in the economic constitution 2. Savings, credit and banking system 3. Saving and direct and indirect equity investment in the large production facilities of the country 4. Protection of savings in the EU 5. Provisions on the protection of savings and the regulation of financial markets: Law 262/2005 and subsequent interventions 6. The functions and role of public supervisory authorities on savings 7. The offer to the public of securities 8. The regulatory framework on takeover bids 9. The legislation relating to securitisations 10. Protection of savings in German law and in US law.
Module II
a) Initial public offering (IPO): techniques, costs and benefits b) Delisting: techniques, causes and effects on firms and shareholders c) Separation between ownership and control and shareholder protection d) Conflicts of interests in the financial system
(reference books)
Module I
M. Atripaldi, La tutela del risparmio popolare nell’ordinamento italiano, Editoriali scientifica, 2014: introduction, chapter II, IV, conclusions; F. Annunziata, La disciplina del mercato mobiliare, Giappichelli, 2017, chapters III, XV, XVI Other papers may be distributed during class
Module II
1) Enriques, L., 2012. Le regole della finanza. Diritto societario e mercato in Italia e in Europa. IBL Libri. Chapters 1, 3, 4, 8 2) Berk, J., DeMarzo, P., Morresi, O., Venanzi, D., 2018. Finanza Aziendale 2, Chapter 11. 3) Fidanza, B., Morresi, O., Pezzi, A., 2018. The decision to delist from the stock market. Palgrave. Chapter 1. 4) Walter, I., 2004. Conflicts of interest and market discipline among financial service firms, European Management Journal 22(4), 361-376
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam