Diritto civile is a monographic course focused on contract law. After a framework dedicated to the study methods of civil law, the program examines: I) the system of sources of contract law (referring also to the supranational, and in particular European, law); (II) the definition of the contract and its essential elements, in the light of jurisprudential and academic elaboration; (III) the role of the contract in the regulation of the competitive market (with a special regard to business and consumer contracts); (IV) the main remedies offered by contract law.
(reference books)
A. For attending students: a) a selection of essays discussed by the Professor among the lessons, collected in a single index and made available through the e-learning platform b) the chapters dedicated to the "Principles and rules of contract law" of any handbook used to study for the "Istituzioni di diritto privato" course
B. For non-attending students: a) V. ROPPO, Il contratto, II ed., Milano, Giuffrè, 2011.