1. Atomic structure and chemical bonds: Review of general chemistry: atoms, chemical bonding, molecular geometry (VB valence bond, molecular orbitals MO) 2. organic chemistry 3. LED and OLED 4. Traditional and organic solar cells 5. Liquid crystals; LCD 6. Solids: crystals and crystal structures: metallic solids, ionic solids, covalent solids, molecular solids. crystal systems; morphology of the crystals, the Miller indices; Packing of spheres in a plane: hcp, fcc, bcc, density of a crystal. crystal lattice; 32 crystallographic point groups; unified and reduced cell, the 14 Bravais lattices. crystal classes and properties. 7. Structure and energy of the surfaces to. surface structures of metals: fcc {100} {110} {111}; hcp {0001}; bcc {100} {110} {111}; energy surfaces, relaxation and reconstruction 8. Structural defects: point defects, linear defects or dislocations; planar defects or interfacial or grain boundaries; volume defects 9. Techniques of surface survey 11. Silicon Technology 12. The electronic balance :, electrochemical cells, electrode processes, Nerst equation; electrolysis; corrosion, galvanic corrosion and differential, methods of protection. Commercial batteries. Fuel cells
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