Derived from
21810172 BIOLAW in International Relations LM-52 N0 (A-Z) IANNUZZI ANTONIO
GENERAL PART: The constitutional status of laws with tecnhical-scientific content.
SPECIAL PART: The autodetermination of the patient. The genetics: connection and discrimination between human beings. Human reproduction and law. Scientific research, liberty and rights. The new technological environment. Autonomous agents (artificial intelligence and robot) and juridical entity.
(reference books)
GENERAL PART: A. Iannuzzi, Il diritto capovolto. Regolazione a contenuto tecnico-scientifico e Costituziome, Ed. Scientifica, Napoli, 2018, limitatamente al Capitolo IV (da pag. 143 a pag. 187).
SPECIAL PART: A. Santosuosso, Diritto, scienza e nuove tecnologie, II ed., Cedam, Padova, 2016, limitatamente ai capitoli IV, V (escluso il par. 5), VI, VII, IX, X (esclusi i parr. 5 e 6).