S.I.BIL calendar.
A.A. 2019-2020
The seminar meetings of S.I.BIL. (Bilateral Interdisciplinary Seminar, 6 credits), organized in collaboration with the ISTC (Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies - CNR Rome), provide an in-depth study of some of the topics covered in the various courses of the master's degree course in Cognitive Communication and the Share.
The aim of the seminars is to offer students an overview, as broad as possible, of the current state of research in the various disciplinary areas of cognitive sciences.
The calendar (constantly updated throughout the academic year) will include both the reports of scholars engaged in research activities at Italian universities and at the ISTC of the CNR, and the reports of foreign researchers visiting the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Entertainment in the academic year 2019-2020. Therefore, some of the seminars will be held in English.
Before each meeting, students will be provided with the necessary didactic material (generally scientific articles) which can be downloaded in the "didactic material" section.
Calendar updates will be communicated on the degree course website, in the news section: www.comunicazione.uniroma3.it.
To obtain the 6 credits it is necessary to participate in seminar meetings and submit a short written paper on one of the topics addressed in the seminar. A minimum number of 12 presences is required (the conferences of foreign guests and CNR speakers are highly recommended; it is reiterated that the calendar is constantly updated during the academic year) Attendance will be certified by incoming signatures and at the exit, to be affixed at each single seminar.
(reference books)
Articoli da leggere in vista della relazione di Stefano Gensini:
- Gensini S. (2013) Linguaggio e mente fra umani e (altri) animali: un tema di confine, in N. Grandi (a c. di), Nuovi dialoghi sulle lingue e il linguaggio, Bologna, Pàtron 2013, pp.18-34.
- Scarica
- Gensini S. (2018) A proposito di zoosemiotica. L'inizio della storia, in M. W. Bruno, D. Chiricò, et al. (a c. di) Linguistica e filosofia del linguaggio. Studi in onore di D. Gambarara, Udine, Mimesis, pp. 263-882.
- Scarica
- Gensini, S. (2020). Aspects of the Ongoing Debate on Animal Communication.(Zoo) semiotics and Cognitive Ethology. In The Extended Theory of Cognitive Creativity (pp. 199-216). Springer, Cham.
Abstract disponibile al link: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-22090-7_13
Articoli da leggere in vista della relazione di Antonio Benítez-Burraco:
Benítez-Burraco, A. (to appear) Prehistoric languages and human self-domestication. Language Dynamics and Change PsyArXiv 10.31234/osf.io/v6m2b
Abstract disponibile
Thomas, J and Kirby S (2018). Self-domestication and the evolution of language. Biology and Philosophy 33:9.
Articoli da leggere in vista della relazione di Marta Sibierska:
Sibierska, M. (2017). Storytelling without telling: the non-linguistic nature of narratives from evolutionary and narratological perspectives. Language & Communication, 54, 47-55.
Abstract delle relazioni degli invited speakers del convegno AISC:
Articoli da leggere in vista della relazione di Elisa Ciaramelli:
In preparazione
Articoli da leggere in vista della relazione di Marco Mazzone:
Mazzone M (2019) L’arte di esitare. Dall’intelligenza alla razionalità, Vita Pensata, IX, 19.
Abstract disponibile
Mazzone M (2019) UNA TEORIA IBRIDA DEL(L’ILLUSIONE DI) COMPRENDERE, in A. PATERNOSTER, V. PISANTY (a cura di) La comprensione linguistica, pp. 63-88, Meltemi. [questo saggio può essere richiesto inviando un’email all’indirizzo seminario.sibil@uniroma3.it]