The course program will focus on Jean-Jacques Rousseau, "Discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality between men" and Adam Smith, "Theory of moral sentiments". By reading and commenting on the texts, the following points will be examined:
1: The method of the two authors 2: The role of self-love and interest on the one hand, piety or sympathy on the other. 3: The role of the desire for esteem 4: The relationship between feelings, customs and institutions, and virtues.
(reference books)
a] Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discorso sulla disuguaglianza, Roma-Bari, Laterza. b] Adam Smith, Teoria dei sentimenti morali, Milano, BUR (Parti I-VI).
c] t least one text to be chosen from among the following:
– Tom Campbell, Adam Smith’s Science of Morals, London, Allen&Unwin. – Ryan Patrick Hanley, Adam Smith and the Character of Virtue, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. – Victor Goldschmidt, Anthropologie et politique: les principes du système de Rousseau, Paris, Vrin. – Mario Reale, Le Ragioni della Politica J.-J. Rousseau dal «Discorso sull’inuguaglianza» al «Contratto», Roma, Edizioni dell’Ateneo. – Francesco Toto, L’origine e la storia. Il ‘Discorso sull’ineguaglianza’ di Rousseau, Pisa, ETS – Adelino Zanini, Adam Smith. Morale, jurisprudence, economia poltica, Macerata, Liberilibri.