UNIT TITLE (number of hours; number of ECTS) Greek Grammar and Metric Master Problems of Greek Metrics. The most relevant choral songs in Aristophanes’ Clouds and Frogs
EXAMINATION TYPE (oral / written) The type of examination is oral and evaluates: 1) the mastery of the subject 2) the ability in translating ancient Greek texts 3) the critical capacities and the skills in identifying and formulating problems
PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE It is important that students attend as many classes as possible. Preliminary knowledge of Ancient Greek language is required.
SEMESTER First semester
COURSE DESCRIPTION The former part of this course will focus on some general problems of Greek metrics. In its latter part, the course will analyze the original choral songs in Aristophanes’ Clouds and Frogs. The aim of this course is to provide a deep understanding of the content and the metrics of the Greek texts that will be examined during the lessons.
BIBLIOGRAPHY B. Gentili- L. Lomiento, Metrica e ritmica. Storie delle forme poetiche nella Grecia antica, Mondadori Università 2003, 3-95 Maria Chiara Martinelli, Gli Strumenti del Poeta, Cappelli editore 1995 The copy of each Greek text that will be analyzed will be provided during the lessons.
(reference books)
Metrical texts are available during lessons B. Gentili- L. Lomiento, Metrica e ritmica. Storie delle forme poetiche nella Grecia antica, Mondadori Università 2003, 3-95 Maria Chiara Martinelli, Gli Strumenti del Poeta, Cappelli editore 1995 I testi sulla cui analisi metrica ci si soffermerà verranno fornite dal docente in fotocopia durante le lezioni. B. Gentili- L. Lomiento, Metrica e ritmica. Storie delle forme poetiche nella Grecia antica, Mondadori Università 2003, 3-95 Maria Chiara Martinelli, Gli Strumenti del Poeta, Cappelli editore 1995