Laboratory of Physic and teaching physic
Providing students critical instruments to make aware and efficacious choices in planning and conducting didactical activities for children in the field of Physics, particularly concerning laboratory activities.
With the study of Laboratory of Physics and Physics Education the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. In terms of knowledge and understanding: - know basic physics, using disciplinary, epistemological and historical elements; In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - promote the ability to carry out educational activities appropriate to the age of children aimed at bringing them closer to the ideas of physics in an engaging and solid way, taking advantage of teaching materials, the resources of the school and the territory; In terms of independent judgment: - develop the ability to analyze educational and educational situations and events in schools and to make educational decisions; - encourage the opening to renewal of teaching practices through the combination of historical, epistemological and didactic research. In terms of teacher's communication skills: - develop the ability to bring the gaze of physics and scientific thought closer to children with appropriate language, tools, examples, images, sounds, objects starting from experience and through problems, developing the capacity for dialogue in the scientific-philosophical field and the ability of geometric and symbolic representation. In terms of future cultural development: - to promote skills and interest in the study and the tireless updating in the field of elementary physics, history and epistemology of physics, through books and articles, conferences, courses and conferences, with discernment and depth.
22902604 |
Type of certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Laboratory Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Laboratory In the laboratory's training activities, critical tools will be provided to make informed and effective choices in planning and conducting educational activities aimed at children in the field of Physics, with particular regard to laboratory activities.
Contents of the Laboratory:
1. Introduce children to the world of physics: words and what they evoke (strength, energy, balance), examples, narratives, observations, experiments. 2. Teaching materials for approaching physical phenomena: subsidiaries, scientific readings for children, measuring instruments.
(reference books)
Appunti delle lezioni del docente, scaricabili in formato pdf dal sito dell'Università. Testi in adozione: U. Amaldi. Le traiettorie della fisica.azzurro. Volume unico. Zanichelli. ISBN: 9788808140814 Giorgio Israel, Ana Millàn Gasca. Pensare in matematica. Zanichelli. ISBN: 978808193612 Capitoli 8-9. Paola Magrone, Ana Millàn Gasca.I bambini e il pensiero scientifico. Il lavoro di Mary Everest Boole. Carocci Editore. ISBN: 9788843090273
Testi consigliati per approfondimenti: Daniela Allasia, Valentina Montel, Giuseppina Rinaudo. La fisica per maestri. Ed. Libreria Cortina. ISBN: 9788882390952
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From 01/03/2020 to 24/05/2020 |
Delivery mode
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
A project evaluation