Course content Course title: Intercultural pedagogy and education for identity citizenship
Course programme: Intercultural and Citizenship Pedagogy is one of the fundamental course in the curriculum for students who become teacher of Primary School. The discipline aims at forming the knowledge and competences related to intercultural and citizenship education in consideration of the international migration and the recent introduction of “Constitution and Citizenship” as new compulsory subject in the national curriculum. The knowledge of the Italian Constitution leads the students to the identification of the political and socio-cultural values and understanding the meaning of the resources and strategies for the active citizenship education in the multicultural society and multi-faith context. Special attention concerns the migration of children in the Third Millennium. The research in school educates new teachers for the social inclusion with action against cultural prejudices, racism and social discrimination. The concepts of peace, tolerance, solidarity and responsibility as inclusive citizenship open to challenge in the face of persistent migration that increasingly involves refugee children, unaccompanied at risk of dropping out.
(reference books)
Reference books 1. Chistolini S., Decoding the Disciplines in Pedagogia. Epistemologia e metodologia della formazione per una buona pratica di preparazione universitaria degli insegnanti, in “Il Nodo. Per una pedagogia della persona”, anno XXI, n. 47, Nuova Serie, dicembre, 2017, pp. 35-52, on line. 2. Chistolini S., Lastrucci E., Porcarelli A., Giovani europei e cittadinanza. Lo studio sugli adolescenti italiani nel contesto della ricerca internazionale sull’identità politica, Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, 2018. 3. Corradini L., Mari G. (a cura di), Educazione alla cittadinanza e insegnamento della Costituzione, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2019. 4. Hans Küng, Progetto per un’etica mondiale. Una morale ecumenica per la sopravvivenza umana, Milano, Rizzoli, 1991. 5. Ehsani A., Casolo F., I ragazzi hanno grandi sogni, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2018. 6. Chosen texts chosen on the theme of values. The texts will be distributed by the teacher until exhaustion. 7. Council of Europe, Human rights in culturally diverse societies, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 2016, on line http://book.coe.int 8. Costituzione della repubblica italiana, on line Lessons on the Constitution in Rome Three https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/553415/la-scuola-a-roma-tre-lezioni-sulla-costituzione 9. International dialogue with Colombia theory and experience of citizenship education. 10. A book assigned by the teacher based on the identification number of the student and about migrant children, non violence education, right to education, democratic citizenship. 11. References for school activities: e) Education for Democracy and human rights in school, Council of Europe, 2014, Five video animations, in http://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/charter-edc-hre-pilot-projects/comics-competition f) Sei manuali scolastici sulla democrazia. Living Democracy manuals, in http://www.coe.int/en/web/edc/living-democracy-manuals#{"10618501":[]} g) Council of Europe, Democracy and Human Rights in School, 2014.pdf, in http://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/charter-edc-hre-pilot-projects/comics-competition h) Council of Europe, Democracy and Human rights start with us! GetInvolved!, 2014.pdf, in http://www.coe.int/en/web/edc/charter-for-all