Text linguistics and translation
The module introduces textual linguistics as a way of analysing textual processes, making it a prerequisite for a methodologically founded approach to translation. The semantics of prototypes, the cognitive and pragmatic dimension of the linguistic act will be at the centre of our reflection on the translation act, as will the link between textual typology, types of thematic developments and translation strategies. Theoretical lessons will alternate with translation exercises into Italian in which different textual varieties will be dealt with. Beyond the textual dimension, the Diskurslinguistik inspired by M. Foucault will be addressed
(reference books)
COURSE MATERIALS - Harald Weinrich, Linguistik der Lüge, Beck (trad. it. La lingua bugiarda, Il Mulino); - Lucia Cinato Kather, Mediazione linguistica tedesco-italiano, Hoepli, Milano 2011; - Dispensa “Linguistica testuale e traduzione” cfr. pagina Materiali didattici del docente http://lingueletteratureculturestraniere.uniroma3.it/bacheca/gsampaolo/materiali-didattici/