In the first part, the course aims at giving the students the basic concepts of neuroethics; in the second part, it is focused on the relation between ethics and communication, by looking in particular at films. The goal is that the students understand two of the main issues of moral philosophy. At the end of the class, the students will be able to understand and use the fundamental concepts related to these two issues.
(reference books)
FOR THE STUDENTS WHO PASS THE TEST AT THE END OF THE COURSE - Magni, Bioetica, Carocci - De Caro-Lavazza-Sartori, Siamo davvero liberi?, Codice (seconda edizione) (Le parti indicate dal docente a lezione) - Massarenti, Stramaledettamente logico, Mondadori
FOR THE STUDENTS WHO DON’T PASS THE TEST AT THE END OF THE COURSE OR DO NOT TRY IT - Magni, Bioetica, Carocci - De Caro-Lavazza-Sartori, Siamo davvero liberi?, Codice (seconda edizione) (the whole book) - Massarenti, Stramaledettamente logico, Mondadori (the whole book) - Ceri, Etica della comunicazione, Il Mulino - Roskies, Neuroethics, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/neuroethics/