From the environmental crisis to the management of migratory flows up to security measures, life and death reappear as crucial problems of thought and political intervention. The modern partition between nature and society, between homo and civis has been replaced by the new intersections identified through the concept of biopolitics and the more recent terms of thanatopolitics and necropolitics. Reference authors will be discussed in order to identify the different conceptions of the body at work in the respective analyses - between passivity and activity, singularity and generalization, agency and representation.
(reference books)
Two essays from the following list: Due testi a scelta tra i seguenti: - A. Cavarero, Corpo in figure. Filosofia e politica della corporeità, Feltrinelli, Milano 2005 - M. Foucault, Nascita della biopolitica. Corso al Collège de France (1978-1979), Feltrinelli, Milano 2005 - G. Deleuze, Cosa può un corpo. Lezioni su Spinoza, Ombre Corte, Verona 2010; G. Deleuze, Istinti e istituzioni, Mimesis, Milano 2014 - Donna J. Haraway, Manifesto cyborg. Donne, tecnologie e biopolitiche del corpo, Feltrinelli, Milano 2018 - J. Butler, Corpi che contano. Sui limiti discorsivi del “sesso”, Feltrinelli, Milano 1996 - R. Braidotti, Madri mostri e macchine, manifestolibri, Roma 2005 - R. Esposito, Bios. Biopolitica e filosofia, Einaudi, Torino 2004 - A. Mbembe, Necropolitica, Ombre Corte, Verona 2016