The course will introduce students to the fundamental elements of reasoning and philosophical argument. The first part of the course will present the basics of induction, deduction, abduction, probabilistic reasoning. A historical-theoretical overview on the fundamental elements of modal thinking will follow. Meanwhile, the most important fallacies of reasoning will be pointed out and explained. In the second part of the course, students will become familiar with thought experiments and their use in philosophy
(reference books)
- A. Coliva, E. Lalumera, Pensare. Leggi ed errori del ragionamento, Carocci - A. Iacona, L’argomentazione, Einaudi - Dispense sulla logica modale fornite dal docente - A. Angelucci, Che cos’è un esperimento mentale, Carocci - M. Arcangeli, Esperimenti mentali, APhEx, 6, 2012 (disponibile online: http://www.aphex.it/public/file/Content20141117_02.APhEx6,2012TemiEsperimentimentaliArcangeli.pdf) - G. Sergioli, Fallacie argomentative, APhEx, 12, 2015 (disponibile online: http://www.aphex.it/public/file/Content20150910_APhEx12,2015TemiFallacieargomentativeSergioli.pdf)
[English translations or equivalents will be provided if needed]