The module introduces the analysis of innovative theories of consciousness and personal identity developed between the late seventeenth and mid-eighteenth centuries by John Locke and David Hume, theories that have constituted inescapable points of reference around the question of personal identity in the subsequent philosophical debate and still today they are the object of attention, especially on the part of the philosophy of the mind. After an appropriate contextualization of the thought of the two philosophers, the lessons will focus on reading and commenting on the texts specifically dedicated to the subject in question in the two main works of Locke and Hume, the "Essay Concerning Human Understanding" of the first and the "Treatise of Human Nature" of the second. To facilitate understanding of the texts, reference will be made to some studies of scientific literature in Italian that are an integral part of the examination program.
(reference books)
1. John Locke, Saggio sull’intelletto umano (in particular chap. XXVII of Second Book). Edition: Laterza, or UTET, or Bompiani. 2. David Hume, Trattato sulla natura umana (in particular Section VI Part IV Book I) Edition: Laterza, or UTET, or Bompiani. 3. A. Pacchi, Introduzione alla lettura del «Saggio sull’intelletto umano» di Locke, Milan, Unicopli, 1997 (and susequent reprints) 4. Lorenzo Greco, L’identità personale in David Hume: dalle passioni all’etica, in «Thaumàzein», 2, 2014, pp. 247-264 (downloadable at the address: http://dx.doi.org/10.13136/thau.v2i0.26.g27)