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20709852 LETTERATURA ITALIANA L.M. (CANALI A-L/M-Z) in Teaching Italian as a second language (DIL2) LM-39 SUITNER FRANCO
Aspects of the "poesia comico - giullaresca" of Italian literary origins. During the course, historical lessons will alternate with others dedicated to the detailed analysis of selected texts. Some lesson hours will be devoted to problems of metrical-philological propaedeutics and the most effective ways to teach these topics.
(reference books)
Poesia comica del medioevo italiano, a cura di M. Berisso, Milano, BUR Rizzoli F. Suitner, I poeti del medio evo, Roma, Carocci T. Saffioti, I giullari in Italia, Napoli, - Students will also read two classics of Italian literature, with appropriate critical comments, which will be indicated during the course. Further information on the texts to be prepared will be provided during the lessons.