UNIT TITLE (number of hours; number of ECTS) Fragments from the Stage. The early Euripidean Tragedies, from Telephus (438 BC) to Bellerophon (428 a. C.). 36 hours, 6 ECTS
EXAMINATION TYPE (oral / written) The type of examination is oral and evaluates: 1) the mastery of the subject 2) the ability in translating ancient Greek texts 3) the critical capacities and the skills in identifying and formulating problems
PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE It is important that students attend as many classes as possible. Preliminary knowledge of Ancient Greek language is required.
SEMESTER Second semester
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will focus on Euripides’ early tragedies and the problem of reconstructing, interpreting, editing these fragmentary texts. Reading selected fragments of the most important tragedies and other relevant contemporary sources, such as Aristophanes, this course will assess the revolutionary character of Euripidean staging since its first phase. In fact, the aim of this course is to provide a deep understanding of Euripidean fragments, from the philological, linguistic, literary and dramaturgical standpoint.
PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE It is necessary to have knowledge of early Euripidean dramas, first of all Alcestis, Medea and Hippolytus; therefore, it is highly recommended to read these dramas in a modern bilingual edition.
BIBLIOGRAPHY As for Euripides’ fragments, the reference edition is R. Kannicht TrGF V volume, tomi I-II, Göttingen 2004. As for ancient drama, it is highly recommended to read: E. Medda- V. Di Benedetto, La tragedia sulla scena, Torino 1997, Einaudi, V. Di Benedetto, Euripide: teatro e società, Torino Einaudi 1971.
E-MAIL adeleteresa.cozzoli@uniroma3.it
(reference books)
BIBLIOGRAPHY As for Euripides’ fragments, the reference edition is R. Kannicht TrGF V volume, tomi I-II, Göttingen 2004. As for ancient drama, it is highly recommended to read: E. Medda- V. Di Benedetto, La tragedia sulla scena, Torino 1997, Einaudi, V. Di Benedetto, Euripide: teatro e società, Torino Einaudi 1971.