The topics that will be addressed in the course are the following - the principles and models of social programming - the tool of social planning: the zone plan in the Lazio Region - the key words of social programming: integration, governance and participation - programming in a framework for outsourcing services - the forms and tools of the outsourcing of social services - planning of personal services in an age of social and financial crisis - how to manage the scarcity of resources in programming processes - the perspectives of social planning in some areas of intervention: the elderly, minors, poverty.
(reference books)
- Bifulco L., Il welfare locale. Processi e prospettive, Carocci, 2015 - Burgalassi, Politica sociale e welfare locale, Carocci, 2012 - Pacini L., Gori C., Giovannetti M., La pratica del welfare locale, Maggioli, 2015 - Bertin G. e Fazzi L., La governance nelle politiche sociali in Italia, Carocci, 2010 soltanto capp. 2, 4 e 5 - adequate knowledge of the Lazio Region law 11/2016 - adequate knowledge of the PSR Lazio 2017-2019