The first part of the course is devoted to the changes taking place within the public and political scene and the most important theoretical contributions. In the second part will be considered the main areas of transformation of political communication in relation to the recent history of Italy. In the third part will analyze the role played by television and social media in the popularization of politics. The recent election campaign of the US Presidential Elections will be analyzed and studied. The course includes the viewing and analysis of audiovisual materials propaganda such television programs, documentaries, commercials, posters. A good knowledge of the Italian contemporary history is preparatory to the course content.
(reference books)
Examination program - E. Novelli, Le campagne elettorali in Italia, Laterza, Roma 2018. - G. Mazzoleni, R. Bracciale, La politica pop online, Il Mulino, Bologna 2019. - C. Lombardo, E. Novelli, C. Ruggiero, (a cura di), La società nelle urne, Franco Angeli, Milano 2019, solo parte seconda pag. 115-285.
For students of the Master's Degree in International Relations of Political Science, for which the examination is worth eight credits, the program also includes one of the following texts: - C. Lombardo, E. Novelli, C. Ruggiero, (a cura di), La società nelle urne, Franco Angeli, Milano 2019, pag. 11-112. - Paolo Mancini, Il PostPartito, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2015. - Ilvo Diamanti, Marc Lazar, Popolocrazia, Laterza, Roma 2018.
The following audiovisual materials supplement the course and their vision is suggested to the students. – “Mi consenta” La Grande Storia, Rai Tre: http://www.lagrandestoria.rai.it/dl/portali/site/puntata/ContentItem-39b8c91a-4ca4-4ad1-8429-00e11b21b042.html – “I politici e la tv”, Correva l’anno, Rai Tre, http://www.raiplay.it/video/2016/09/Correva-lanno—I-politici-e-la-tv-del-19092016-bae0add3-4fb2-4730-ad11-fffea112e7de.html - "70 years of Italian electoral campaigns". 1 part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMYA6nWs594 - "70 years of Italian electoral campaigns". 2 part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__F8kF9ObFA