PART I: Basic functioning of the neurons. Synapses. Functional anatomy of the central nervous system: brain, brain stem and spinal cord. Ascending and descending pathways. Functional anatomy of the central nervous system: basic organization, somatic compartment, autonomous nervous system. PART II: Sensorial and motor systems: chemical senses, vision, hear and vestibular system; touch, pain, temperature; the brain and spinal control of the movement. PART III: Brain and Behaviour; Celebral Mechanisms for emotions (lymbic system, fear, rage); Sleep and circadian rythm; Language; Memory and learning systems and relative molecular mechanisms. Mirrow neurons.
(reference books)
Suggested Books: Neuroscienze – Esplorando il Cervello Bear Quarta Edizione EDRA Atlante di Neuroscienze di Netter Terza Edizione EDRA Materiale fornito dal docente.
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