Plant biodiversity: importance of its knowledge and the multiple uses of this plant heritage. Systematics, Classification, Classification methods, Taxonomy, Taxonomic categories and nomenclature. Identification techniques (dichotomous keys, florae). Realization of a Herbarium. Emersion from the aquatic environment, Cryptogams - Ancestral and fossil Pteridophytes, Pteridophytes (general and systematic characters, Spermatophytes - Gimnospermae (general characters and systematic), Characters with taxonomic value - roots, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, inflorescences, infructescences, pollen, secondary metabolites, Spermatophytes - Angiospermae (general characters and systematic), differences between Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons, Spermatophytes - Angiosperms Dicotyledons (general characters and systematic), Spermatophytes - Monocotyledons Angiosperms (general characters and systematic). Laboratory: use of dicotomic keys for taxonomical determination, plant biodiversity in kitchen. Educational Excursion: discovering plant of the San Paolo quartier and surrounding area, Caffarella Park, Botanical Garden of Rome).
(reference books)
Pdfs of the lessons performed during the course and the following book: Judd, Campbell, Kellogg, Stevens, Donoghue. Botanica sistematica. Un approccio filogenetico. PICCIN Pasqua, Abbate, Forni. Botanica generale e Diversità vegetale. PICCIN
The teacher receives Mon, Wed, Fri from 9.00 to 10.00 by appointment via email: simona.ceschin@uniroma3.it