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20110098 Law and gender(Diritto e genere) in Law LMG/01 MASSARO ANTONELLA
The course "Law and Gender", in English language, aims to investigate the relevance of the gender concept in the legal debate, focusing on the philosophy and criminal law.
Syllabus: Making trouble: a difficult definition of gender Histories and theories of feminism The gender of modernity Making rights from below: the CEDAW Criminal Law and Gender: general framework Gender violence: the crime of stalking
Gender, anti-discrimination law and human rights Culturally motivated crimes Gender, migrations and human rights Gender and social reproduction Theory
Sexual orientation and politics Gender violence: the crime of sexual violence Pornography and law
(reference books)
Learning material is indicated during the lessons and it is available for download on line at, in the personal page of Professor Antonella Massaro (Didattica - Link utili).