The climate in history: changes and adaptations The course will analyze the relationship between the changes in the climate and the consequent adaptations of human societies over the centuries. During the millennia of history the climate has changed several times for natural reasons, and man has had to manage the environmental constraints that were imposed by this change. Then, with the Industrial Revolution, its activities began to directly affect the atmosphere, until the emergency began in the last decades of the 1900s. These contexts will deepen the understanding of communities, the responses put in place and the social consequences.
Exam texts 1) J. R. McNeill, Qualcosa di nuovo sotto il sole. Storia dell'ambiente nel XX secolo, Einaudi, Torino 2002; 2) W. Behringer, Storia culturale del clima. Dall'Era glaciale al Riscaldamento globale, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2013; 3) Essays in the exam folder present at the copy shop in via Leonardo da Vinci n. 285 (13 essays).
(reference books)
1) J. R. McNeill, Qualcosa di nuovo sotto il sole. Storia dell'ambiente nel XX secolo, Einaudi, Torino 2002; 2) W. Behringer, Storia culturale del clima. Dall'Era glaciale al Riscaldamento globale, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2013; 3) Saggi nella cartellina dell’esame presente presso la copisteria di via Leonardo da Vinci n. 285 (13 saggi).