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21801250 THE SOCIOLOGY OF COMMUNICATION in Political science for Cooperation and Development L-36 FIORMONTE DOMENICO
The aims of the course of Sociology of communication are: 1) to introduce the students to the basic concepts of the sociology of media; 2) to analyze the intellectual contributions of the most prominent 20th century media theorists; 3) to reflect on the geopolitical unbalances and inequalities of the digital media scenario; 4) to explore practical and theoretical alternatives offered by unconventional groups and initiatives on software, coding and social media; 5) to understand the "logic of coding" through practical sessions and guided exercises in the computing lab.
(reference books)
Required readings (for all students)
1) Ricciardi, Mario (2012), La comunicazione. Maestri e paradigmi, Roma-Bari, Laterza. 2) Domenico Fiormonte (2018), Per una critica del testo digitale, Roma, Bulzoni.
Students who will not able to come to class can still take the final exam, but are required to study the volume by Nick Couldry, Sociologia dei nuovi media. Teoria sociale e pratiche mediali digitali, Milano-Torino, Pearson, 2015 (English edition available). They will have also to choose one volume from the following list:
1) Shoshana Zuboff (2019), Il capitalismo della sorveglianza. Il futuro dell'umanità nell'era dei nuovi poteri, Roma, LUISS. 2) Gabriele Balbi e Paolo Magaudda (2014), Storia dei media digitali. Rivoluzioni e continuità, Roma-Bari, Laterza. 3) Geert Lovink (2016), Ossessioni collettive. Critica dei social media, Milano, Università Bocconi Editore. 4) Sergio Bellucci (2019), L'industria dei sensi, Roma, Harpo. 5) Ippolita, (2018), Il lato oscuro di Google. L'informatica del dominio, Milano, Milieu.
Some of these texts are available also in English. For more information please contact the instructor.