The course aims to provide a good knowledge of the main aspects of the European Union integration. The course is divided into two parts: the first part takes into account the general framework of the European integration, including EU basic structure and principles, with particular reference to the legal system after the Lisbon Treaty; the second part gives an account of the development of the Internal Market of the European Union. Both parts will be integrated with a comprehensive analysis of the ECJ leading cases.
(reference books)
The program includes the study of both texts indicated below:
General Part:
U. Villani, Istituzioni di Diritto dell'Unione europea, V Edizione, 2017, Cacucci Editore.
Special Part:
E. Triggiani, Spunti e riflessioni sull'Europa, II Edizione, 2019, Cacucci editore (p. 1 - 206).