Origins, developments and crisis of Spanish drama.
EXPECTED LEARNING RESULTS A) Historical-literary and cultural competences Birth and development of the Spanish gold theater The corral and the show Developments in Spanish literary history between the eighteenth and thirties of the twentieth century Developments in Spanish theater between Neoclassicism and the early twentieth century
B) Thematic skills Eros and honor in the play Eros and honor in a tragic way Eros and honor in a grotesque key Roles of women in society and female roles in theater Intergenerational tensions The dialectic between closed places and open places and the dynamics of reclusion-evasion Figurations of violence in classical and contemporary theater
C) Methodological skills The versification in the Spanish gold theater: ways and functions of polymetry Dramaturgical aspects of the Spanish golden theater Performative aspects of the Spanish gold theater Dramaturgical analysis of the contemporary theatrical text
(reference books)
TEXTS Literaruìy Works (all editions are mandatory) Lope de Vega, Il cane dell’ortolano/El perro del hortelano, a cura di F. Antonucci e S. Arata, Napoli, Liguori (e-book) Lope de Vega, Fuente Ovejuna, a cura di M. G. Profeti, in Il teatro dei secoli d’oro, vol. I, Milano Bompiani Pedro Calderón de la Barca, La dama duende, a cura di F. Antonucci, in Il teatro dei secoli d’oro, vol. II, Milano, Bompiani Pedro Calderón de la Barca, El alcalde de Zalamea, a cura di G. Caravaggi, in Il teatro dei secoli d’oro, vol. II, Milano, Bompiani Leandro Fernández de Moratín, El sí de las niñas, in Moratín, El sí de las niñas / La comedia nueva, a cura di R. Andioc, Madrid, Austral (also as a e-book) Federico García Lorca, La casa de Bernarda Alba, a cura di M. Fca. Vilches de Frutos, Madrid, Cátedra Ramón del Valle-Inclán, Los cuernos de don Friolera, in Valle-Inclán, Martes de Carnaval, a cura di Jesús Rubio Jiménez, Madrid, Austral