After revisiting the main moments and works of the artistic-literary reworking of political violence in Argentina during the years of the military dictatorship (1976-1983), in a perspective that places Argentine authoritarianism within a broader Latin American framework, the course aims to present students with artistic products such as performances and photographic exhibitions to be analyzed through tools and methodologies related to the most recent studies on post-memory and post-testimony. At first, the main concepts that make up the theoretical apparatus will be presented, then the works in the program will be analyzed and discussed. The final lessons will be dedicated to a reflection on literature as an archive of political and social violence and on its teaching in the context of recent studies on "pedagogy of memory".
(reference books)
- L. Arias, Mi vida después y otros textos, Buenos Aires, Reservoir Books, 2016. - G. Bialet, Los sapos de la memoria, Córdoba, CB Ediciones, 2010. - L. Quieto, Arqueología de la ausencia (1999-2001) e G. Germano, Ausencias (2006). Mostre fotografiche. - N. Angelucci, Adesso posso scegliere, Roma, Nova Delphi, 2019.
- E. Perassi, “Costruendo memorie collettive: la dittatura argentina e la letteratura italiana”, in C. Cattarulla (a cura di), Argentina 1976-1983. Immaginari italiani, Roma, Nova Delphi, 2016, pp. 15-36. - N. Vaisman, “Postmemoria y memoria desaparecida en dos obras de la posdictadura argentina”, in J. Blejmar, S. Mandolessi, M.E. Perez, El pasado inasequible. Desaparecidos, hijos y combatientes en el arte y la literatura del nuevo milenio, Buenos Aires, Eudeba, 2018, pp. 185-202. - A. Longoni, L. Verzero, “Mi vida después. Itinerario de un teatro vivo. Entrevista con Lola Arias”, Cása de las Américas – Revista Conjunto, n. 162, enero-marzo 2012. - S. Nanni, “Testimonio y ficción en ámbito escolar y judicial: Los sapos de la memoria de G. Bialet”, in G. Nuzzo (a cura di), Letteratura testimoniale e costruzione della storia, Salerno, Oèdipus, 2019, pp. 355-372. - S. Nanni, “Post-memorias entre pasado y futuro: Mi vida después, de Lola Arias”, in Orillas, numero monografico su “Los escenarios de la post-memoria en el teatro hispánico último (2000-2018)”, S. Trecca (a cura di), n. 8, 2019, pp. 407-425.