-Introduction of Applied physics -Thermal Comfort conditions, air quality of buildings, thermophysical analysis and energy performance of the building -Installations Heating: calculation of thermal loads, Energy certification. -Components Plant: boilers, radiators, radiant panels, distribution system, the expansion tank; Central thermal project - Study of design of the water distribution system. - HVAC: calculation of the summer thermal load, dimensioning of an installation to all-air and with no recirculation, and the mixed systems. -Components of plants: chillers, air handling units, fan coil, etc. -Study of design of the air distribution system. - Draft of plant components for heating and conditioning
(reference books)
Dispense del corso Carlo Pizzetti: Condizionamento dell’aria e refrigerazione, Masson, 1980 Massimo Coppi: Clima artificiale e benessere termoigrometrico Copertina flessibile – 31 lug 1990 Internal Booklet