Self-care, storytelling, rights and inclusion policies. This study program proceeds and is structured around the recognition of the fact that the educational dimension carries within itself a need to foster, promote and activate integration processes of the person within the family, school, social, cultural and historical contexts - reference policies. An integration that is accompanied, however, by the consideration of the crucial importance of the psycho-affective dynamics that characterize the process of development of identity, emotional literacy, construction of emotional and interpersonal bonds, as well as meeting and dialogue within the social space and shared communicative. Integration, therefore, which, however, must not be exhausted by dynamics of passive assimilation, of conforming conformation, of dispossession and loss of self. Within this framework, the notion of "care" (see Giosi's text) is central, as a pedagogical-educational category / strategy aimed at promoting processes and paths of self-analysis, conscientization, construction of significant relationships for the person. In this regard, the instrument relating to autobiography, writing and narration of self, always projected within a dialogic space, the main route for an active, participatory and emancipatory integration and inclusion is of particular value and interest. Within a public, political space, within a perspective of social justice, of recognizing the rights of people with different degrees of psycho-physical integrity, the question of care is linked, in an essential way, to the issues pertaining to the subject of addiction. , of vulnerability, of autonomy, of recognition. And here the text by Andrea Canevaro, dedicated to the issue of disability, is very significant. Canevaro's text deals with the issue of diversity in various contexts of everyday life: the birth of a disabled child, integration into schools and universities, relationships with educators and operators. Through the analysis of such situations, the author criticizes constructively a world that is organized solely on the boundaries that divide, that distance: those who know and those who do not know, those who care and those who are cared for, those who are skilled and those who are disabled . The clear and unrealistic separation between health and illness as mutually foreign entities, is also the fruit of a way of conceiving the disease separating it from the dimension of "need", of "discomfort", of "malaise", and of all that sphere of human fragility which also belongs strictly to the human subject. In this way, if we separate the whole, the individual experience, the life story of the sick subject, the illness itself, the dimension of care in its relationality, from the sphere of health, then the result will be a health that presents itself as pure abstraction, "non-place", or simple "absence of disease". In reality, health must be conceived as a "process" and not as a static, "given", immutable condition. Furthermore, within the space of health the relationship that the individual has with the disease and with the care and with the health itself must be included. This implies the need to understand that the value of the human subject, be it healthy or sick, goes far beyond the value of health or illness; it is also necessary to understand that both illness and health can be used and manipulated as an opportunity for liberation, as well as for the alienation of oneself, as instruments of emancipation but also of oppression. In this sense, the study of Foucault's text, which reconstructs the genealogy of the notions of health and illness, normality and pathology, as well as Illich's text, which illustrates the pitfalls of the processes of "medicalization" and reduction of the person to "object" to be treated as a consumer of drugs.
A part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and applications to educational settings for children ", with reference to what is indicated in Decree 378/2018, Annex B I
(reference books)
M. Giosi, Pedagogia della cura e integrazione sociale, Roma, Anicia, 2019 (in stampa). A. Canevaro, L'integrazione scolastica degli alunni con disabilità. Trent'anni di inclusione nella scuola italiana, Erickson, 2007 I. Illich, Nemesi medica. L'espropriazione della salute, RED Edizioni, 2013. M. Foucault, La nascita della clinica. Un'archeologia dello sguardo medico, Torino, Einaudi, 1996.((eventualmente sostituibile con S. Benhabib, Cittadini globali. Cosmopolitismo e democrazia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2008.)