Vectors and tensors Vectors, tensors, differential operators, tensor of velocity gradient, tensor of deformation and tensor of rotation.
Governing equations for viscous and turbulent flows Viscous flows and Navier-Stokes equations, turbulent flows and Reynolds equations.
Governing equations for rotating flows Rotating framework of reference, Unimportance of the centrifugal force, Acceleration on a three-dimensional rotating planet, Equations of Fluid Motion (Mass budget , Momentum budget, Equation of state, Energy budget, Salt and moisture budgets) Boussinesq approximation, Scales of motion, Important dimensionless numbers, Boundary conditions.
Rotation effects Geostrophic flows and vorticity dynamics, cyclonic and anticyclonic flows, the bottom Ekman layer and the surface Ekman layer.
Atmosphere and Ocean. Atmosphere and atmospheric boundary layer, Stratification effects in the atmosphere, atmospheric general circulation, clouds, oceanic general circulation.
(reference books)
- A. Cenedese, 2006, Meccanica dei fluidi ambientale, Mc Graw-Hill. - B. Cushman-Roisin, 1994, Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Prentice Hall.