Delli Poggi Stefano
Qualitative research logic and comparison with quantitative-statistical research and mixed method. Research design and research phases. The techniques, the tools and their construction: the choice of technique and tools. Qualitative methods applied. Analysis of the text content (with reference to the technique used).
Educational goal. Logic of advanced qualitative research. Ghoose the type of method-approach, technique and tools. Transition from theory to the practice of field research.
(reference books)
Delli Poggi, S. (2017), Lezioni di sociologia, Autori Associati, Roma, e-book Kindle-Amazon, [cap. 1, pp. 7-26; cap. 2, pp. 64-87; cap. 7, pp. 131-156] Cipriani, R. (2008), L' analisi qualitativa. Teorie, metodi, applicazioni, Armando Editore, Roma [capitolo: La costruzione della teoria a partire dai dati, pp. 50-72] Marradi, A. (2005), Raccontar storie, Carocci, Roma; [capitolo 2, Le storie, pp. 29-47] Dispense-slide riassuntive fornite dal docente (PDF)